In Indonesia there are new trend when fasting (puasa) came, that is Sahur on The Road. Sahur is a meal before dawn. Moeslem were strongly recomended to take Sahur before fasting. Sahur on The Road is giving meal to the poor. It usually high school students doing this as part of their extra school activity. Now, rider community, facebook community, kaskus community, alumni community, even company is doing this Sahur On The Road.
At Ramadhan there are shifting media prime time, which is before dawn and nearly to sunset. Before dawn when people is Sahur and nearly to sunset when people is waiting to iftar (you may eat and drink again until dawn, you start fasting again).
This is a moment where product such as veil, sarong, moeslem clothes, date palm (kurma), honey (madu), tooth paste, vitamin, retailer have a bigger opportunity to gain profit. Fasting is mean to feel sympathy for the poor by feeling the condition of hunger and thirst. Kind a gap for marketing to get in that philosophy. But marketing and promotion seems prevail versus religion doctrine.
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